Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I wanted to show everyone my abstract for my paper.  I hope it's ok.  This project is based on how post-soviet Eastern European countries policies changed before and after they joined the European Union, in relation to the war in Iraq.  

The focus of this paper will be to look at the change in policy (concerning the United States) in certain East European countries after they entered the European Union.  The paper will look at Poland, Estonia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and the Czech Republic.  All of these countries were accepted into the European Union in 2004 with the exception of Bulgaria and Romania, which were accepted to the EU in 2007.  Also these countries were a part of the of the Coalition of the Willing in Iraq as well.  At the current time only Romania has troops still stationed in Iraq, none of the other countries have any remaining troops in the country.  The first country to remove their troops was Hungary in March of 2005 and the final one was Estonia removing their troops in January of this year.  This paper will be written based on the reasons the countries entered Iraq with the United States and then their reasons for leaving.  Are Eastern European countries that are currently European Union members now less accepting of United States policies?

I have started some research, but I will be doing the bulk of it tomorrow.  If you have any suggestions or comments please post them here or on my twitter.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is the start of my first blog.  Here I will be discussing the research I'm doing for my Master classes or just some events that I feel there is a need to be explained.  I am hoping that people will enjoy the short blogs that I will be posting and the eventual videos that will go along with this.  If you have suggestions on what I will be talking about please contact me or post comments.  
My current class is Politics and Government of Post Communist countries.  I will be doing a report to answer the question: "Are the former East European Communist countries that were able to enter the EU earlier then others least likely to cooperate with the United States' war in Iraq?"  I will be posting and writing up summeries on the articles books that I will read.